Здесь вы узнаете, как должны быть подготовлены ваши страницы перед регистрацией в поисковой системе AltaVista. Данные рекомендации важны и вы должны их соблюдать, если хотите, чтобы AltaVista находила ваши документы, после введения в неё соответствующего запроса потенциальным посетителем.
The META tag: Controlling how your Web page is indexed by AltaVista
In the absence of any other information, AltaVista will index all words in your document (except for comments), and will use the first few words of the document as a short abstract.
It is however possible for you to control how your page is indexed by using the META tag to specify both additional keywords to index, and a short description. Let's suppose your page contains:
<META name="description"
content="We specialize in grooming pink poodles.">
<META name="keywords" content="pet grooming,
Palo Alto, dog">
AltaVista will then do two things:
It will index both fields as words, so a search on either poodles or dog will match.
It will return the description with the URL. In other words, instead of showing the first couple of lines of the page, a match will look like the following:
Pink Poodles Inc
We specialize in grooming pink poodles.
http://pink.poodle.org/ - size 3k - 29 Feb 96
AltaVista will index the description and keywords up to a limit of 1,024 characters.